Fun facts about the Fair …

fair welcome entrance sign


Agnes Shaw, Fair Manager

We have been located on the Emmet County Fairgrounds property at 1129 Charlevoix Ave, Petoskey, Mich., for over 100 years. Since 2000 we have operated as a two-county Fair sharing with Charlevoix County. The Emmet County Fair has existed since before 1905; back then, it was known as the Emmet County Agricultural Society. During World War II, because of the lack of funds, a vote of the people was taken and passed for the County of Emmet to take responsibility for the Fair to ensure its longevity.

Longevity has proven to be a boon to our grounds. In 2004 our grounds were completely renovated with state-of-the-art facilities, all ADA accessible. Our facilities now accommodate the Fair each year in August and a host of wonderful events all year long. Our 10,000-square-foot Community Building houses our still exhibits, including 4-H, Youth, and Adult open classes. Flowers, vegetables, quilts, crafts, and more are just a few of the exhibits each year. Our state-of-the-art barns have paved spacious aisleways, new animal pens, and updated facilities for all to enjoy. Every seat in our 2700-seat covered grandstand has a great view, and spectacular sunsets can be seen from the upper rows.

See you at the fair!

Agnes Shaw, Fair Manager
[email protected]
Phone (231) 347-1010
Fax (231) 347-5347

1129 Charlevoix Ave./U.S. 31
Petoskey, MI 49770

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 496
Petoskey, MI 49770